Saturday, January 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad & Grandma and GO UTES!

On January 2nd, we celebrated my dad's and my grandma's birthday , it was so much fun. My cute grandma turned 87 years old; I love her so much. She said every year she has a great birthday because she gets to share it with her sonny boy, how cute! We all got together at my grandma and grandpa's house, hung out, ate goodies and watched the Utah game. It was a blast! Here are Mindy and Bevin going through the old dolls that our grandma and grandpa bought us when my sisters and I were little. We had so much fun with those dolls so it was cute that Mindy was playing with the dolls with Bevin.

I couldn't get enough of this "U" on Bevin's helmet, I just had to get a picture.

Just hanging out, eating some food.

My family and I had a great holiday season and I'm sorry I haven't posted any pictures of it. I have sooo many, I just don't even know where to start. Now that the holidays are over, I will be better at blogging for sure. I'm glad to be getting back into a routine with work and stuff. I had almost 2 weeks off for Christmas and I was starting to feel so unproductive! You can only stay up really late and sleep in until 10 or 11 for so long, you know?! Oh, by the way, Go Utes!


The Philpot Family said...

Looks like you guys had so much fun. So Bevin is the cutest little thing I have ever seen and looks so much like a mix of Dustin and Mindy. I was just curious as to what the helmet was for? I just have never seen that so I was just wondering. I hope you dont mind me asking???


The Philpot Family said...

Looks like you guys had so much fun. So Bevin is the cutest little thing I have ever seen and looks so much like a mix of Dustin and Mindy. I was just curious as to what the helmet was for? I just have never seen that so I was just wondering. I hope you dont mind me asking???


The Philpot Family said...

Looks like you guys had so much fun. So Bevin is the cutest little thing I have ever seen and looks so much like a mix of Dustin and Mindy. I was just curious as to what the helmet was for? I just have never seen that so I was just wondering. I hope you dont mind me asking???


Kara said...

Woo Hoo!! Go Utes! Wasn't that such a fun game?! I love the little U on Bevin's helmet :) She is so cute!

becca said...

What a fun party! I feel bad that I didn't even know that Jan. 2nd was Grandma Olsen's birthday. Ryan must have been too concerned about the U game to remember that. We will have to call and wish her a late happy birthday. I love the U on Bevin's helmet too! How cute! That was an awesome game! Ryan and the boys were going CRAZY!

McKenzie said...

I know how you feel wanting to get back in a routine. I had a ton of time off as well and I was SO ready to go back to work!

And NO I can't believe 2 years has gone by already. Happy Anniversary!

Alesha said...

Ok that was a really fun night! Minus the blasted snow! I kind of have a really bad double chin in that picture eww...are you below us. And it is cracking me up that Phil is doing a peace sign...What the?