Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Lagoon and Family Fun

I'm trying to play catch up with my blog since I've been such a slacker. We went to Lagoon for my dad's work Lagoon day and it was so much fun! Brady is so afraid of heights (as am I), but he was daring and went on the Rocket; me, on the hand, chickened out and watched the kids instead. Maybe next year... Mindy, Dustin, Bevin and Missy. Is Bevin's hat so cute or what?
Me and my hubby--only REAL men wear pink!
Me and my mamacita
Brady loved the bumper cars
My cute nephews Koen and Kade
Nate and Gina
Grandma and Grandpa Olsen--love them!
Lounging out on the hammock at Strawberry Pinnacles, in Fruitland, Utah. It was so much fun--we loved tubing down the river and just hanging out with the family. Is there anything better than that?!
We've had a great summer; it's a bummer that school is already starting tomorrow--I can't believe it!! On one hand, I feel ready to get back in the swing of things with school, but on the other hand, I feel like I just got done with summer semester! Oh well, I am happy to be getting an education and keep telling myself that it will all pay off in the end. Today we bought our school books and that always puts a damper on the day, but oh well. :)


Kara said...

I know!!! You are a much better friend than I am! But Britton!!! It is so nice!... Ha Ha, I feel like satan trying to convince you to do something evil and wrong! :) Your hair is super cute and beautiful just the way it is though so you probably don't need to change.

Alesha said...

Brit this is a fun post! Where have I been? It is a bummer that school is in. I constantly find myself trying to look at the long term thing. That is what I want, not really school right now!

Anonymous said...

That was so fun...so glad we were invited on the special harmons day!!!