Friday, April 9, 2010

Running Update

Brady and I have been training for the Salt Lake City Marathon for the past couple of months and have been so excited to run in it! We figured that while we don't have kids we might as well check this off our "to do" list. The past few weeks, my left knee has really been bothering me; lots of pain and swelling, so I finally decided to go to the doctor this morning. The doc says I have Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS)--I need to do more research on it, but he recommends I stop running and attend physical therapy for the next 6 weeks :(. I told him I don't want to stop running and he said "well, I know how you runners are, I will tell you to stop, but you'll just do what you want, so use your best judgement."

Sooooo, I will not be running the full 26.2, but I will try my luck, and my knee, at the half marathon and hope for the best. I'll keep you posted...


Stacey said...

Good luck! Sorry to hear about your knee. I didn't know I had a knee problem til about mile 16 when I ran the marathon. Don't push it to hard and I will be racing you in Oct. :0

Kara said...

Oh dear!! That sucks I am sorry. I want to know how it went! Hopefully well.

Team Beardshall said...

Bummer about your knee! The doctor is right though, runners never listen! So how did it go? That's awesome though so I will just say good job! Salt Lake was my favorite run last year!

Codye Brynn said...

I have the same syndrome Brit!! It is killer, especially hiking down mountains. It hurts. Running is out for me, I still have some hope that it will get easier but it hasn't yet.