Alot has happened since I last blogged. I'll be honest, I miss blogging and writing down what Brady and I have been up to. I enjoy looking back and seeing all that we've done together. Hence, a new outlook on blogging and a resolution to be better at it.
Brady and I have had a busy summer thus far, if you can even call it that. I can't believe it's already August....where does summer go? The older I get, the more I miss the summers of old when my biggest concern was if we were playing night games, if I could have a sleepover with my friends, or if I could sleep in the family room with my sisters and stay up and watch movies. Ahhh, the good old days. Nonetheless, we have had a good summer and I feel extremely grateful for all I have. Here are a few things I'm grateful for:
1. Golf. I love watching Brady play golf because he loves it so much. I tag along and ride in the cart whenever possible, or we simply walk 9 holes together.
2. School. I'm grateful both Brady and I have the opportunity and the means to get an education. I'm working on my last big project and then I will be done and will graduate with my Bachelor's degree in Business Administration.
3. The Church. Brady and I went to the Salt Lake Cemetery the other day with my Nana and she showed us many of the prophets' grave sites which was very humbling and put things into perspective for me.
4. Our house. We are in the midst of trying to sell our condo, but no matter when we move, it will always hold a special place in my heart. It is our first home together and it's filled with many great memories!
5. Cruises. I'm SO looking forward to going on a cruise in October to the Caribbean. Neither of us have been to the Caribbean and we are so excited. Excited to relax for a week and take a break from the hustle and bustle of life.
6. My health. I'm grateful for my health and cherish every day. We are signed up to run in the Layton Half Marathon in October so I'm super excited for that! I love running, it makes me feel so good.
7. Vince. Here is a picture of my sweet new nephew, Vince. We already love him so much!