Thursday, December 6, 2007

Ugly Christmas Sweater Party!

Our friends held an Ugly Christmas sweater party last weekend, hence the sweaters Brady and I are wearing. Missy and her friend Jen "couldn't find" any Christmas sweaters after looking at 4 different stores so they are in normal clothes, but it was SO much fun! Brady found these sweaters at the D.I. along with our cute Christmas mugs to drink hot chocolate with! Everyone talked Missy and I into arm wrestling so we gave in and I won... :) That would explain the picture with the big "L" from Brady's hand by Missy's face. Good times! We played games, ate goodies, laughed hysterically and enjoyed everyone's company. Can't wait till next years' party!


Derek and Mary said...

Hey! I'm so glad you found me. Alas, the blog world we'll bring us together. You and Brady look like you have so much fun. Can't wait for the updates. I think I heard we were going to try and get together for New Years-lets hope!

Team Fraser said...

That is funny! Looks like fun!

Alesha said...

Crack me up...I think brady looks like a dark haired Ken doll in the first one, or some sort of nerdy dad on a movie, cant decide! haha. Who is that baby...Jakes?

kori said...

I agree with Alesha, Brady looks like a Ken doll in the first pic. You pulled off the sweater well - you look hot!

Gina said...

That is awesome! I want to have an Ugly Christmas Sweater Party! I love it! Way to go on the arm wrestling! You are one tough chickety!

Stacey said...

That party is so funny... What a good idea! You guys look great!

becca said...

Britton, your last post was on December 6th! Come on, let's update! J/K :)! I know I promised you an update on my blog, but it hasn't happened yet. It will though soon, so stay tuned.