I noticed that I haven't blogged in 2 weeks...what's my deal? I don't really have an answer for that except for the fact that I feel I've been quite busy. Here are some pictures of what's been happening in our little world:

To start things off, some of my friends from Electric Beach and I met up at The Cheesecake Factory for dinner and it was lots of fun. Chantell, Jen, Kendra and I had a blast! I see Kendra at kickboxing, but it was so much fun to hang out with each other outside of that. It's always fun to have girl time. I like The Cheesecake Factory, but if you ask me, the portion sizes are WAY too big and it's a bit over priced. Nonetheless, it is good.

Brady, Karen (Brady's mom) and I all went to see Twilight on Friday night and I LOVED it! Even though we were on the very front row and I got a headache, I was so impressed with it and I totally want to go see it again; even Brady liked it! We walked out of the theater and Brady said "I hate to say it, but I really liked that!" I wasn't sure what I thought about Edward before I saw the movie because I just didn't think he was the right guy for the part, but I thought he was perfect.

Last, but definitely not least, we went to the Utah game yesterday. (I'm sure Twilight and the U game will be on a lot of people's blogs, but I just had to post some pictures from it). Camping out in the cold 2 weeks ago to get tickets was totally worth it!

We all stood the whole game because the tickets Brady and I got weren't even by each other, but I didn't mind; it was fun to be with all of our friends. My back started to ache, but it was so much fun. This is me and Katie waiting for the game to start.

Jake and Brady enjoying the game

With 2 minutes left in the 4th quarter we walked down onto the field; we were so close to the players! I was afraid we were going to get trampled once the game was over, but oh well, live and learn.

Brady and I got split up, thank goodness I was with Katie otherwise I would have been so scared, and this is when we finally met back up with each other. It was crazy when everybody rushed the field, Katie and I were laughing so hard because it was a mad house! Brady told me that his shoes fell off and that he'll never do it again. (thankfully, both of his shoes were recovered).

The madness...so exciting!!

Louie Sakoda

Brady found Aaron Tonga, a good friend from high school, who plays for Utah. So fun!
We've had lots of fun these past 2 weeks, but I got sick which totally put a damper on things. Last week I went to bed at 8:30 a few nights (totally not like me) because I felt so crummy. I think I've turned the corner and will be 100% for Thanksgiving! Also, my brother Nate and his family are visiting this week from Pitt! I can't wait to see them! AND I'm so happy it's a short week at work, I love the long weekends and think it's about time for one; I need to start my Christmas shopping; I can't believe Christmas is in a month...where did 2008 go?