Sunday, November 30, 2008

2nd Annual Turkey Bowl

On Thanksgiving morning, Brady and his friends played in the annual Thanksgiving Turkey Bowl. Heidi and I sat and watched our husbands play a grueling game of flag football. They played to defend their title that they earned last year, but I hate to report that Brady's team didn't walk away with the win this year; although they did win the 2nd game they played. I never thought playing football could make Brady so sore; he woke up Friday morning and his legs were so tight and he could barely move, I felt bad for him! I tried to massage them, but that didn't seem to help. It also doesn't help that my hands get tired after about 5 minutes of massaging. I got a few pictures of Brady and the guys that I thought were kind of fun and I got a couple good action shots as well. (My mom always taught me the importance of taking a good action shot. When we were little, I remember my mom taking pictures of me and my sisters and telling us to just talk to each other and laugh and not look at the camera; so funny.)

Great shot, if I do say so myself! (below)
He couldn't keep his eyes off me...Yeah right! No makeup, slept-on hair, baggy sweatpants, etc. I slept in as long as I possibly could and went straight to the game all bundled up. I have to be a supportive wife, right?!
The whole gang
The game was lots of fun, but I hope Brady's team wins next year. I'll keep my fingers crossed...


kori said...

That is super nice of you to go to the game. I only make it to about 3 of Brad's softballs each season. Hopefully they can win next year!

Joan Peterson said...

Fun entry. Good wife. See, you do remember things from your childhood! Yes, action shots are the best - they tell a story.
Love, Nana

Alesha said...

They are cute! That is a great action shot! Way to go!

Team Fraser said...

FUN! Sorry for Garrett he didn't get a Turkey bowl in this year...secretly I'm kind of glad cause I know I would have been on message duty for sure and I'm the same as you...only for 5 minutes! Good picture taking!

Kris and Brent said...

Wow, I have been a slacker checking the blogs.....You had some FUN updates--The "U" game, the Turkey Bowl, Girls Night Out, etc. What fun posts to read and get caught up on! Your comments about how I used to make you talk and laugh with each so I could take "action shots" made me laugh out loud!

Day by Day Design said...

Good Pics! I cant believe you already have them up!! I am very impressed, it will prob be another week before I get mine up. It was fun to see you!

Angela Strong said...

I'll keep my fingers crossed too! I love the pics!

Sean and Mekensy said...

Great pictures! You are such a good sport to sit in the cold! That looks like its fun for the boys!!

McKenzie said...

Wow Britton... you should become a sports photographer :) Luke would have LOVED to play football this Thanksgiving. He was trying all morning to get someone to go golf with him. Boys!