Friday, January 4, 2008

I've been tagged!!

-What's his name? Brady John Morlock
-How long have you been together? Since February going on 6 years!
-How old is he? 23 in a couple weeks.
-Who eats more? Brady definatley and he never gains weight which totally bugs me because if I ate like him I would be FAT!
-Who said 'I love you' first? It was me. I said "I'm falling really hard for you" and he said "It's about time!"
-Who is taller? Brady is by a few inches.
-Who sings better? Neither of us are good, but probably me! ha ha ha
-Who is smarter? Hmmm...we're both smart in our own capacities.
-Who does the laundry? Me mostly, but Brady does it quite often too.
-Who does the dishes? Same answer as above.
-Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Brady, if you are looking at the bed.
-Who pays the bills? Me, definately!
-Who mows the lawn? We don't have a lawn...that's what the HOA pays for!
-Who cooks dinner? Both of us...if you call it cooking .
-Who drives when you are together? Brady does, he doesn't trust my driving; who knows why!
-Who is more stubborn? I would say me which I'm not proud to admit. He's really quick to apologize and remedy the situation, wheras it takes me a while longer to give in.
-Who kissed who first? I made the first move and kissed him! I grabbed the remote control and turned the TV off and went in for the kill!
-Who asked who out first? I asked him out first...geez, I had to work hard for him!
-Who proposed? He for sure took care of that one, thank goodness!! What an exciting night that was!
-Who is more sensitive? I would say me, but then again he is really sensitive too. Our kids are doomed and will probably be cry babies.
-Who has more friends? Probably Brady. We mostly hang out with his friends because most of mine are married or in serious relationships and his aren't.
-Who has more siblings? Me, I have 6 and he has 1.
-Who wears the pants in the family? I'm not really sure about that one...we are totally equal!


Kris and Brent said...

That was fun to read! Even I learned some new info about the two of little cutey pies!

Anonymous said...

I love your new page! How do you do the back grounds?

Gina said...

Tags are always fun to read. You always learn a little more about people you think you know really well. You two are cuties.

Natalie Carver said...

Hey guys! How are you??? I am so happy that you wrote me Britton! I love your blog, it is so cute! I am so happy for you guys, I had no idea that you guys got married (shows how much I've stayed in the loop!) Congrats!!!!

Kerry Hoaglund said...

I hope you don't mind but your mom gave me your blogger address! I'm glad you have a should check mine out when you get a minute. It was fun to read yours!

Ron and Lynn McMillan said...

HI Britters! I am so glad to see you found us. I sure miss you, but this will be fun. I stink at calling but I do read blogs at least once a week. Your site is so cute! It was fun to learn more about you two. I got tagged as well !