Saturday, September 20, 2008


Last weekend some of our friends invited us to Fat Cats to go bowling and we had such a great time! We paid for 2 hours of bowling and in that time you can play as many games as you can squeeze in; so we were able to play 3 games. I thought I did pretty well considering it's probably been a year since I bowled last.

I had to take a picture of the final score from the second game because I WON! I must tell you, I never beat Brady at ANYTHING we do. We could be playing Scrabble and he'll win, we could be playing tennis, playing cards, seeing who can run the furthest, playing Cranium; I mean, you name it and he will beat me. So, I was just a little "proud", if you will, of myself because he's a really good bowler and I beat him! (We're not competitive at all, if you can't tell). Let's be honest though, he just had an off night, but I'll keep telling myself that I'm the best bowler in the Morlock household for the next little while. (He's "XXX" and I'm "Brittle") .

Gotta love the self-portraits!

Brady and Parker


Thompson Family said...

140! I'm lucky if I hit 90! Way to go!

Sara and Collin said...

I haven't been bowling in more than a year!! I like to rub it in Collin's face when I beat him in things too. It is ok to do that. Yes, I did hear about the engagement. I couldn't believe it.

missy moo said...

Awe sis... don't be so hard on yourself... I beat Brady in lots of stuff (and we even beat him in Cranium before)... good work showing him who's boss though!! Love the pic of the two of you (did Brady smoke a joint?? his eyes look a little off)... good to see you two love birds at my work tonight... It's always a pleasure beyond measure!

Hayley said...

WOW! I'm impressed! I ALWAYS loose at Bowling. I am honestly HORRIBLE. Good work girly!! Last time I went bowling, I wanted to cry because it was so embarrassing. NO JOKE!

becca said...

No way! 140!!!!! That is really impressive! He is so competitive it is funny. I'm glad you got a win! You will have to rub that in just a little bit.:)

Alesha said...

Awe I remember the good ol days when we went bowling, like when you were dating! Lets do a double and go!

Angela Strong said...

Way to go Britty! You are incredibly talented and now you have the numbers to prove it! Brady is blessed to have you and you are blessed to have Brady. Keep on Sweet-hearting and life will bring you closer to each other then you ever thought possible! Love you guys!

Kris and Brent said...

WAY TO GO, BRITT!!! That's a great score - plus you beat Brady! Sounds like a perfect evening -- and that picture of you two is darn cute!

The Philpot Family said...

Hey Girl,
You guys are too cute! Please do come to my party and feel free to bring anyone with you. I have been telling everyone too that this isn't like a normal party where I get stuff for free if people buy. I get a free pair of jeans just for having it so it is really just to let everyone in on the great deal! I will forward you the email of directions and all the info! Oh Britt was so excited you said hi and I am going to email you her email address so you two can chat:)

Talk soon,

Joan Peterson said...

As always, you bowl me over! You must have found a ball that was not as heavy as a car. I know the ball, finger holes and weight make a difference. Hopefully you have marked that ball as yours. I'm a lot proud of you.

Matt Olsen Family said...

Good job Britty! Love you!

Gina said...

140 B?! What in the world! I love that you took a pic of the board for the visual effect. Go Brittle!