Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What's My Deal?

If you haven't read this book, DO NOT read this post!

I have been reading Breaking Dawn for over a month now and I'm still not finished with it! What's my deal? I don't know if I'm just over the whole 'Bella and Edward' thing, but I just can't seem to get into this book very much. The first of it was good because they got married and went on their honeymoon and stuff, but now I'm just kind of bored with it. Is that bad? For those of you that have read it, I'm at the part where they're about to face the Volturi and they're inviting all these random vampires from all over the world over to their house. I'm just plain confused and overwhelmed with all these people's names and stuff. I will obviously finish it, but I just need a little pick-me-up! So, if you've finished it, let me know how good you thought it was and what you thought of the ending. Don't tell me the ending, just tell me if you liked the book as a whole. The 1st book was most def. my favorite and I am super excited for the movie.


Kris and Brent said...

This was my favorite book of all - I loved it! I loved the first one, too, but this one just seemed to clip along at a pretty good pace.....I couldn't put it down! You started it and then went on your cruise -- I think you got kind of stalled because you had so many fun things to do. (Lucky you!) Keep going for sure!!!

becca said...

Don't stop Britton. I was kind of bummed when I started reading it because somebody told me it got really bad reviews. I thought I would hate it, but I was WAY WRONG! This is definitely my favorite of them all! I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED it! Keep going!

Angela Strong said...

Who are you??? I read all four books in a two week time period cause I hadn't read any of them up to this point! I loved all of them, but the 4th was my favorite!!! It is the biggest of them all and I couldn't put it down. My poor children and husband lost me for a fort night that's for sure! I read the whole thing in 2 days and I was so devastated when I was done with it! I wanted more and now that Midnight Sun is on "Indefinite" status, I have started reading the first 264 pages posted on her blog that was leaked to the public a bit ago. Consumed once again with Edward!

Keep reading girl and I promise it won't disappoint! Just relish it because it is probably the last!

Joan Peterson said...

I agree with all of the above. I found some real Gospel principles in the 4th. Our strength is found within ourselves and "the family". We never know what we can do until we try and the help of those around us helps make it possible. I thought a lot of loose ends were tied together in this book which made me feel peaceful at the end for the main characters.
Try doing what I did with all the Russian novels I read where the same person has a family name, a street name and at least four given names - write them down as you come across them with a clue as to how they fit into the story.
Perhaps you need to wait until it is cold and grey outside and to just sit in a cozy house and read sounds perfect. Too much sun and fun for October - not complaining mind you.

Giron Family said...

Uhh are we twins??! I'm in the exact same position as you. I started the book the weekend it came out and I was super excited however about half way through I lost total interest. I still have the last two chapters to read and I'm not really in a hurry to do so. I feel like the ending is totally predictable and I don't really care to finish it since I know what is going to happen. It's a good bath time read for me now.
I am excited for the movie though. Hope I don't have overly high expectations for it.

Gina said...

It isn't my favorite because of the lack of reality. Not that the other were realistic (vampires, warewolves), but they focused on relationships that could be real. This one is all supernatural so it wasn't my favorite.

Kara said...

I was the same way!! I really didn't like the fourth book either and it took me forever to read!! Now looking back I like it better than I did while I was reading it. It is definitley NOT my favorite book but it was nice to finish and have the closure you know? I hated that Jacob imprinted on Renesmee!!! How do you feel about that? Were you a Jacob fan or Edward?

The Tuft's said...

Hey there girl!!!! I love Edward he sounds so hot and then the movie comes out and wow I don't think the dude that plays him is that cute? Okay so when are we going to hang out? I told Shauna that her u and Jill and I should all go to lunch or dinner one day so u let me know because you are always way busier then myself!!!!!

Alesha said...

Well I am the same way. I like it until the whole Volturi thing came into play then I wanted it to end. But I ended up really enjoying the ending which wouldnt have been able to come about without all the Volturi nonsense.

Stacey said...

Oh a am glad that I am not the only one that feels that way. The first book I was mad reading and in love. Each book that went on was a little worse and now I am half way through breaking down and have no desire to even pick the book up. Oh well if you finish it let me know what happens :)

matt & shannyn said...

mmmmm this is so hard bc i was super board at that part as well i love love this book but i would have to say she could have done with out the whole vampire generation having to come! i still didnt really all the way understand that part! but after that part mamma it gets better i promise i would have to admit this was not my all time favorite but its a great ending! dont give up! oh and p.s. i love edward!!!!