Thursday, October 16, 2008


This post is completely random, but oh well.

Today was National Boss's Day...I hope you all got your boss something nice to celebrate! No, but seriously, call me a suck-up if you wish, but I really do have the best boss in the world, so the least I could do was buy her some flowers and write her a nice card, right?!?! The other night Katie invited us over for dinner and it was so yummy! She made us enchiladas, Brady made the Rice-A-Roni and I made the breadsticks. It was so good! I hardly ever cook Brady a home-cooked meal, so Katie was nice enough to invite us over and cook for us. After dinner, Brady went to play basketball while we watched America's Next Top Model and The Hills. I love ya Katie!!
Brady and I have been house/dog sitting at my parents house while they (and Missy) are in Bonaire scuba diving and it's been much better than I thought it would be. I'm not used to having such a big house for just the 2 of us, it seems strange, but it has been nice to be able to sing at the top of my lungs, turn up the music, have the volume on as loud as we want while watching a movie, etc. without having to worry about our neighbors. Dealing with the 2 dogs, Belle and Oreo, hasn't been bad either. What's hard is that Oreo is so old and senile that sometimes he'll just start barking for the heck of it and won't stop. He can't see because of the cataracts in his eyes and his hearing is gone as well, which makes it a little difficult to make him stop. When we come home from work, Belle is always really hyper, so we decided to take her for a walk the other night and the weather was great! I love being able to wear a sweatshirt because it's getting colder outside, but yet it's not too cold.

We went to Brady's mission reunion last weekend and he had a lot of fun. It was fun to meet some of the people I remember hearing/reading about while he was on his mission. Brady enjoyed chatting with his mission president, President Perry, and most of his old mission buddies.
I swear Brady looks like a midget in this picture. Is everyone just REALLY tall or is Brady exceptionally short?


Karen Morlock said...

Sorry Brady, you do look short in these pictures- sorry you got the short Pulver genes!

Jake and Linzey Jordison said...

I don't usually cook a home cooked meal at our house either!!! That was nice of your friend to have you guys over for dinner.

Blass Family said...

I totally remember your dog Oreo! I cant beleive you still have him. I think it is funny you dont cook, I cook pretty much every night, but it is different when you have kids because eating out with four cost alot more than just for 2. I wish we ate out more!

Angela Strong said...

I love the pics and you are awesome to get flowers for your boss! I'm glad you have had fun taking care of the dogs and singing at the top of your lungs! I particularly love your comment on the height of Brady compared to the others. Got a good giggle out of that one!

Alesha said...

Awe you suck up! Way to go! I would too! I am glad the house sitting is going well! And hey your almost done!

Team Beardshall said...

Random posts are the BEST. You are a way better employee than me, we just did a card, I am sure the flowers threw it all over the top in a good way! I feel like that with the cooking too...I love to cook but somehow just dont make time to do it. Oh well...good job on the breadsticks!

Kris and Brent said...

Fun! Thanks again for house/dog guys did a great job and we sure appreciate it! Those flowers were beautiful - I'm sure she loved's so great that you love working for her so much. Someday I need to meet her!

Anonymous said...

K brady looks tiny in those pics...ahhh little boy!