Thursday, November 29, 2007

Is This Serious?

I am embarassed even posting these pictures, but I just had to share it with all of you; hopefully you won't think differently of us after you read this and look at the nasty pictures! Brady was making pizza the other night and he got the pizza sauce out of the fridge and was trying to pour it onto the pizza crust and nothing was coming out....So, we looked in the can and lo and behold, this is what we find....GROSS! Obviously we don't use pizza sauce that often and will be sure to check next time we do! I can't believe this was growing in my refrigerator, it literally makes me sick!


Gina said...

Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh! That is so funny and gross. What if it would have come out and landed right on your pizza?! HWELH (I have no idea how to spell that sound...can you figure it out?)

Team Fraser said...

oh that is funny...Garr would have freaked out he hates mold. Oh and thanks for the know those self photos are faboulous!!

Alesha said...

You are nasty...jk! haha that is though. And Gina what on EARTH is "hwelh"?

becca said...

GROSS!!!! I never know how long things last either. I mean really, how long can you keep pizza sauce in the fridge after you open it? I am always calling my mom asking her how long I can keep stuff in the fridge. That would have been nasty if it really landed on your pizza!

Also, I want to know what the HWELH sound sounds like too! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Been there -- done that!