Sunday, April 20, 2008

Party at Nickelcade!

After Brady and I had stocked up on our carbs for the day, we went home and I fell asleep on the couch till about 9:30 pm. Brady woke me up and said we had to leave to go somewhere. I'll be honest, I was pretty tired and really ornery because I knew we had to wake up really early (5:00 am) for the 1/2 marathon the next day, but I gave in and went along with it. We ended up going to Nickelcade where we had a BLAST! Can I just tell you how much I LOVE Nickelcade? Some of our friends were there, which was a total surprise to me, and we had a great time! There was even a room set aside just for us to eat my birthday cake! My friends collected almost 3,000 tickets and got me some really sweet birthday tattoos, a play dolphin, nunchucks, handcuffs, silver chains, a flag with a unicorn on it....all sorts of random things that I'll probably never use, but Brady on the other hand, has already played with the handcuffs, used all the press-on tattoos and worn one of the silver chains...I guess it's the thought the counts, right??

Playing some basketball...

Jake and Belle

Cory, Kristie and cute little Talon. (Talon belongs to Jake and Belle, not Cory and Kristie)


Alesha said...

I really feel like that is so fun! When I take Ko to Chuckie Cheese sometimes I wish he wasnt there...sad I know but I want to play smoken token, basketball, the barbie water gun game, and ski ball without after to wonder where he is! haha! SO FUN!
PS Jakes little boy is really cute!

Alesha said...

PSS haha I love your background, funny you just said the other day that you werent gonna change it for a long time.
PSSS Why wont Koens hair do what Talons does...I think it is SO cute!

Kara said...

Oh my word how fun!! Ha Ha Ha, it is funny to see all of those boys from High School!! Wow, I had no idea that Jake had a kid and his wife is gorgeous! Well Happy Birthday and Congrats on being awesome and running 13 miles!! Woo Hoo! YOu will have to let me know how it went. :)

Natalie Carver said...

You guys looked like you had so much fun! So weird to see the boys from high school! They all look great! Happy B Day to you!

Kris and Brent said...

Partyin' down at Nickelcade -- sounds fun to me! Your pictures sure are cute. You guys look like you're having a great time. Thumbs up again, Brady!

Kerry Hoaglund said...

How fun!!! Brady is such a sweetheart! I'm glad you had a blast!