Sunday, June 29, 2008

I LOVE Taylorsville Dayzz!!

The newly engaged couple

Me and Katie

The boys...

Me and Heidi

Boys will be boys....

Me, Chante and Stephanie

Brady and Sean

We had such an awesome weekend! We went to Taylorsville Dayzz both Friday and Saturday and had a great time. Taylorsville Dayzz is a weekend-long event that gathers the city of Taylorsville, and many other people, together at Taylorsville Park for food, music, dancing, singing and fireworks!...I dare say the BEST fireworks in the state of Utah! In the day, Brady golfed; he had a great time playing golf with his high school baseball coach, Coach Cramblitt, while I went swimming with my friend Katie and then we met up with our friends at the park. It's always so much fun to hang out with old friends, some of them I haven't seen since high school! On Friday, they had a band that looked and sounded like The Beatles, it was great, but nothing compares to last night when they had a Neil Diamond impersonator...he was AWESOME! He was singing "America" when the fireworks started and I'm not kidding, that I had goosebumps...I felt very patriotic! Overall, we had a great weekend and I have posted some pictures for you. I don't know why I'm in almost every picture, it's kind of annoying actually, but I was camera happy and wanted to take as many pics as I could.


Angela Strong said...

You guys do some of the greatest stuff! I'm glad you went out and partied for 2 whole days! Do it now before you have children and have to pay sitters to come! I love fireworks as well and I always get emotional when they are going off to great patriotic songs! Take care guys and enjoy your 4th of July!!!

Alesha said...

Cute pics, I love the one of you and Brady on the side. My mom and dad where there last night, it would have been funny if you saw them. They would have loved it! She too said the fireworks were awesome, and she to told me about "Neil" funny! PS Yes I did wear a two piece can you believe it? I should have done it last year when I was skinier but I just brought them to the beach and there were so many people there who looked a lot worse than my 5 stretch marks so I decided what the heck! It is kinda fun to have a tan belly again!

Anonymous said...

who knew??? That sounds like a blast. I want to go next year. Glad you guys had a good time.

M I N D Y said...

I vote that you start inviting us to hang out with you guys.... or are parents not invited :)? Looks like you guys had a lot of fun.

Team Fraser said...

looks like fun! We totally missed out this year!

Gina said...

Sweet! Another fun event with the Morlocks! You guys have so many friends! That is so great. It makes a big difference to have people that you like hanging out with. Things are always funner in a group. I got the suit today. LOVE IT! I forgot how much I like it! Thanks SO much! I'll have to go on a search for bottoms now.

Natalie Carver said...

LOL I am with Mindy! It always looks like you guys have so much fun! I wanted to go to Taylorsville Dayzz so bad, but we went camping instead! Cute pics!

Kris and Brent said...

I'm with Mindy, too! I want to go - even though we're REALLY OLD PARENTS! I'm glad you had such a fun time. Lots of cute pics!

Keelee said...

You and your hubby are darling! I'm so jealous you went to T-Ville Dayzz, I had to miss it for little family party and was a tad bent but priorities first I guess huh? Looks like you guys had a great time!

Stacey said...

That is so fun... This is the first year that I didn't make it to the parade and fireworks. I guess that is what i get for not living in Taylorsville anymore.

Day by Day Design said...

You got some great pictures!! You are right, Tville Dayzz has the BEST fireworks in the State!!

kori said...

I love the action shot photos of the guys - hilarious

becca said...

Cute pictures! You guys are always doing the funnest stuff! I wanted to go to a firework show, but we didn't have time. Maybe for the 24th.