Monday, July 14, 2008

Um, Excuse Me?

Yay, my computer is finally working and I couldn't wait to post this for those of you who haven't seen this...This weeks edition of Entertainment Weekly hit stands today and guess who's on the cover....Edward and Bella!! I cannot believe how they portrayed them though, this picture doesn't compliment either of them! Yeah, Bella looks really pretty in this picture, but it's not who she is; she isn't the girl who gets all dolled-up and wear lots of makeup and she definitely isn't described as that beautiful in the book. She's supposed to be pale and plain, with hardly any makeup on, if any at all! Edward definitely doesn't look his best, in my opinion. Isn't he supposed to be undeniably gorgeous? Um, well, not in this picture. He has dirty hands, his hair is ugly, it looks like he has white powder all over his face and what's up with side-belt buckle? I think the photographers completely missed the mark on this one. They obviously haven't read the Twilight series because they had no idea how to portray Edward and Bella. If you can't tell, I'm a little bummed about the picture. Oh well, life definitely goes on...


Stacey said...

Okay so I have only read maybe the first 20 pages of twilight. (Is that the first book?) and I am upset about the picture. That is not at all how they were described. I wonder how the movie will be...?

Alesha said...

Wow I totally agree! That is ridiculous! Bella yes looks gorgeous, but hello she has TONS of makeup on and would never wear that dress! And Edward in this picture reminds me of why I was disappointed they picked him, he does NOT look cute! Bummer!

Kris and Brent said...

I'm with you.....I definitely DO NOT picture Edward like that, and Bella is way too done up. Disappointing, huh? Hopefully they will look better in the movie. All of us girls should go to the movie when it comes out in December.....even Gina will be here after the 18th.....sound like a good idea?

Joan Peterson said...

Keep that vampire away from Me!!!!!!! Everybody at the school would have known he was "different" - different - ridiculus!
She's no highschool wallflower, she looks more like one of the off-beat teachers at 29 trying to attracked a 17 year old. Yuck!
Love, Nana
I'm so glad I read the books before seeing this pic. I would not have even opened the first page.

Giron Family said...

Agreed. Guess that's how they sell magazines though. No one wants to buy a magazine with a ugly girl on it. But look at Edward...gag me! It should be the other way around, really.
Hope the movie lives up to the book. Doubt it though.

Kara said...

Ahhh... Hello!! What is that picutre! He looks aweful! And I agree with you, that does not seem like a BElla! Are you so excited for the new book? I seriously want to dress up and go to Barnes and Noble at midnight to get it! Ha ha ha, wouldn't that be so much fun! Just to be a dork and do something like that :) LOVE IT

Gina said...

NOT A FAN! I couldn't believe when I saw this cover. Whoever oversaw this project clearly had not read the books!