Saturday, February 16, 2008

Golf in the Round--Part 1

Because today was such nice weather, Brady wanted to go hit a bucket of balls at Golf in the Round; a driving range that is covered and heated where you hit the ball, but then opens up to a normal golfing range. I honestly thought I was a pretty good golfer, okay, not good, but definitely decent, until I saw this video! I look so uncoordinated I can't help but laugh at myself! Even though my swing isn't very good, I did hit a couple really good balls.


Kerry Hoaglund said...

Ha ha ha! I think you did great! You can't be any worse than me...I've never even been golfing! Ha ha ha!

Thompson Family said...

Britton, I think your swing looks great! My dad really tried to teach me to golf, but I've always been terrible. Dusty and I even took a golf class at the U - that didn't help much:) You should keep it up, though, and soon you'll be a pro:)

Kris and Brent said...

Britt, I think you look great! Most of the time I miss the ball completely and hit the ground! @@@@####! Man that hurts!

Gina said...

What are you talking about?! Nate and I both thought your swing looked good! I hope we come for the summer so we can golf again! Good times.

kori said...

I think you're swing looks great -you're a natural!