Thursday, February 7, 2008

Getting to know Britton!

What I was doing 10 years ago: Wow! Ten years ago I was fourteen!! I was a General at Eisenhower Jr. High and loving every second of it, okay not every second of it because that time of my life had a lot of ups and downs, but overall it was great! I had my first kiss, got my back brace off from my awful Scoliosis, had to cope with my father's death at the young age of 41, and made lots of life-long friendships!

5 things on my to-do-list today: Fold the laundry that is piled up in the laundry room, have a hot meal prepared for Brady when he comes home from playing church ball, go to my abs and kickboxing class at the gym (completed!), take a bath and shave my horribly hairy legs and get to bed at a decent hour.

Things I would do if I were suddenly made a billionaire: I would probably splurge and by myself a Range Rover, preferably white with tinted windows and chrome rims, pay off our house and buy a big house in a nice area with all the amenities, and last but not least, I would give to the less fortunate. Nothing would give me more joy than giving to people in need. There are probably other things I would do, I just can't think of them right now.

3 of my bad habits: I have to agree with Alesha on this first one, I always pick at my face; any little bump I find I automatically start picking at and I can't stop! I'm a sucker for Apollo Burger and jump at the chance to eat there! I haven't eaten there for a really long time because I've changed to healthy eating (or tried to at least), but no matter what, I'll always love good ol' Apollo. I still sleep with the blanket I had when I was a baby, not even joking.

Jobs I have had: A sales associate at Copper River at Fashion Place Mall, Electric Beach Tanning Salon manager, a sales consultant at Ideal Image Laser Hair Removal and now I just got promoted at my current job, a law firm down town, to Administrative Assistant! Love Love Love my job!!!

Things people don't know about me: I'm anal about cleanliness. I feel like I can't function when my house is messy, it drives me BONKERS!! I soak my feet in the bath tub at least once a day because my feet are always cold. I love to bust out in song at the top of my lungs when I'm around my family and my mom gets a kick out of it because I honestly have an awful voice. My favorite type of weather is rain; you'll never hear me singing "Rain rain go away, come again another day." I'm terrified of any type of cancer (as I'm sure a lot of you are too), just the word itself makes me cringe.


Kris and Brent said...

That was so fun to read! I loved learning things about you - although I already know how much you love to burst out in song when I least expect it! It's so funny when that happens......I'm chuckling right now.....

Alesha said...

Love this, love you!♥

Anonymous said...

Britton, you are too cute! Some were surprises to me!

Thompson Family said...

Britton, you are so cute! There is a lot about you that I didn't know:)

Giron Family said...

Hey Btitton! Love your blog! You and your hubby are so cute. Yes, do cut your hair. It will look so cute on you. It's been so nice not to spend hours blow drying and straighting. I've gotten so many compilments. I say if you don't do it now do it in the spring for sure. Good luck today!

Anonymous said...

Heya sis... you were supposed to put things that people DON'T know about you... I think most people know about your Danny Tanner tendencies... ha ha!

Gina said...

I really think this "tag" is one of my favorites to read! I laughed out loud a couple times while reading it. Miss you :)

becca said...

Fun, fun, fun! I loved learning a little more about you! You are too cute!

Kerry Hoaglund said...

That's so fun to learn things about you! What a blast!! I, too, love to burst out in song...and my voice is awful, too! Ha ha ha!

Hayley said...

hehehe.. I still sleep with my blanky from when I was a kid too! Brady let's you have that on your bed? I assume that when I get married, I will put it away :( Sad