Saturday, February 16, 2008

*The night of Valentine's*

After a long day at work, the last thing either of us wanted to do was go wait at least 2 hours at a nice restaurant to eat, so we decided to go to Apollo Burger! We love Apollo and haven't been there in a while, so we thought we'd go there and enjoy a nice hamburger, french fries with all the fry sauce you could ever want and a strawberry shake, which we shared, without having to wait in a long line; it was SO GOOD! Afterwards, we hopped on trax to head down town .

This is us on trax going down to the Gallivan Center to ice skate. We got all bundled up and had a great time.

I love trax, I take it to and from work every day and think it's one of the best things ever invented! Saves gas, saves money and saves me frustration from being stuck in morning and evening traffic!

Took time out for a picture
Brady trying to stay warm...
It sure was cold!

We had a blast ice skating! It brought me back to when I was little and would go up to Sun Valley every summer with my mom, my sisters and my grandma and we'd spend hours in the swimming pool and hours at the ice rink. I'm not nearly as good as I used to be, but it was so much fun! Brady thought he was really good, which I must admit he wasn't too bad! I was really impressed. He's such an athlete; he's good at any sport he tries! It's amazing!


Kerry Hoaglund said...

Awww!!! How sweet! You two are such a cute couple! I love seeing pictures of you! You're gorgeous!

Alesha said...

I wanna go ice skating! HOw fun!

Kris and Brent said...

What a fun night! I'm glad ice skating brought back memories of Sun Valley and Elkhorn. Those were such fun getaways. Cute pictures!

Stacey said...

That is really fun!! Cute picts.

Gina said... looks like you cut your hair in one of these pics. I am sure you would have posted before and after picss if you did, so probably not. I am glad you guys had a fun Valentines! Brady makde is really special for you huh? Little sweetie pie! Love you both!