Saturday, February 16, 2008

*The morning of Valentine's*

So I woke up on Valentine's Day and walked out to the kitchen to get a glass of water and this is what I walked out to... A heart banner with a simple sign hanging from it... This is what the sign said...
I knew it was going to be a good day! The little things mean the most and this meant so much to me! Along with this cute banner, presents were waiting for me on our kitchen table. We decided not to spend too much money on each other because Christmas just passed and Brady's birthday was just 2 weeks ago, so I had no idea what was in store for me. He gave me a hand-held Sudoku game that I can play on trax every day, some Andes Mints (I love anything with mint in it), hand sanitizer for my new desk at work, teeth whitener for the both of us to share because we keep saying that we need to whiten our teeth, and the sweetest card I've ever received. It was an amazing Valentine's Day!!


M I N D Y said...

I must admit that your comments put a huge smile on my face! Bytheway I loved being able to see your new working space. Congrats on the promo!!!

Kerry Hoaglund said...

That's so cute! Jay does cute stuff like that all the time for me! How adorable!

Alesha said...

How did I totally miss this post? Wierd! Brady is cute, tell him good job! It is true the little things mean the most, who knew Andes mints could make the day eh? They would for me too!

Kris and Brent said...

What a great combination of little gifts! I can tell he really thought about what you might use and enjoy. Way to go, Brady!

Anonymous said...

Brighton, you guys again are so cute... can I say it enough. I love the sign and banner, props to brady for being so dang cute.