Monday, February 25, 2008

The Morlock Update

So, I thought you all might like to know what's going on in the wonderful world of Brady and me. We don't have too many things happening right now, but thought it would be fun to give you all a little update. Here goes nothing:

1. Brady and I just got released from Scouts in our ward and got called to team-teach the 16 and 17 year olds in Sunday School...should be fun!

2. Brady can't wait for the weather to warm up so he can go to the golf course every chance he gets. He's been working on his golf game and can't wait to put it to use.

3. We went rock climbing the other day with my sister Missy; what a great time!! I'm not very good at it, as Missy and Brady completely showed me up, but I recommend it to everyone, it is so much fun!!

4. Brady and I are planning on running in the Salt Lake City Marathon in April, although we're just shooting for the 1/2 marathon to begin with; maybe next year we can advance to running the whole 26 miles, we'll see!

5. I've started reading a new book called "The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman. So far it's really good. It says every person has their own "love language" and you must learn what that is and you need to learn what your spouses "love language" is as well, in order to communicate love to one another. It's very interesting and informative...I'll keep you posted...

6. We watched the Ironman Triathlon last weekend and it was so good; so inspiring! It really intrigues Brady and his interest is definitely peaked, so we are going to a free seminar in March to learn more about nutrition, training for traithlons etc.

7. With our tax return we are trying to plan a vacation/cruise. I can't wait to get out of this cold, snowy weather and into the warm sun, cool ocean breeze and feel the sand beneath my feet!

8. Last, and definitely not least, we're happy, healthy and loving life!!


Stacey said...

sound like you are doing great. I am going to run in salt lake too. I tried running 6 miles and I thought I was going to die when i got to. i decided to only run the 5k :) Good luck!

Kris and Brent said...

Great update! Plus, I love the new background. Keep me posted on the book, your training, your cruise, etc. You've got lots of things in the works!

Melinda said...

Sounds like life is good! Where do you guys go rock climbing?? I want to do that. And I think I am going to come with you and Missy to that kickboxing class...where is it? I definitely need to!!

Kerry Hoaglund said...

Holy crap! I totally love that book! I read it the second year we were married! It totally helped us get closer! I love love love that you are reading it! It sounds like everything is going good for you! We can't wait for the weather to get better, either!

Gina said...

LOVE the new background! I am so glad you guys are taking advantage of all this fun stuff before kids come along. It all sounds so exciting!

Anonymous said...

Brighton, once again you guys are toooooo cute. Any way I noticed on Alesha's blog that you wanted to be tagged so I tagged you.. he he. Check out my blog for more info. Love ya!

becca said...

I love the new background too! Did you figure out how to do it without losing all the links and stuff. If so, let me know.

Also, I loved the update. It is fun to find out what you guys are up to. Sounds like things are good. Good luck with the marathon. I actually thought about running it this year, which I never thought would happen, so we are making progress.

Alesha said...

I want to run a marathon, maybe I should come home around then??? I also want to read that book, let me know what you think when you finsish. Also you know I will be jealous of a vactation!

Anonymous said...

Item A... pretty sure I didn't show you up in rock climbing... but it was sure fun!! Where in the world did you hear about that Love Language book?... maybe I should pick it up so I can get a date... ha ha. Item B... LOVE that you two are going to start running... can I be you when I grow up?