Saturday, May 3, 2008

Golf Season Has Officially Started!

Yesterday after work Brady and I went and played golf with my cousin Ryan and his girfriend, it was so much fun! I have alot of practice to do until I will feel really comfortable, but I still had a great time; even if I did hit 2 balls into the water...:) I had to hit my first ball out of the bunker yesterday and I must admit, I think I did pretty good!

My aunts and uncles, (Steve, Michelle, John and Shauna), play in a golfing league every Friday night and Brady and I are going to join next week. It should be interesting, but really fun. I'll keep you posted on how we do!

Is he good looking or what?!?!


M I N D Y said...

Wow, Brady looks professional!! May I ask... What shoes are you wearing? Are those hard to golf in? Dustin wants us to join a league! He thinks I will really enjoy it...

Brady and Britton said...

Brady already talked to Dustin about you guys playing with us, you really should! If there is ever a time you wouldn't be able to, Missy could come with a friend and play. It would be super fun! And for your information, I'm wearing my brown flats...they were comfortable for the first 6-7 holes, but holes 8 and 9 my feet started aching...oh well!!

Alesha said...

Cute Britty! I am impressed that you are going so are gonna be a pro! And you are looking very skinny these days little missy! (and not missy your sister...haha)

Natalie Carver said...

All I can do is laugh when I picture you out there Britt. I hope you dont take that wrong, but its true! You are so cute! I just walk the coarse with Tony....I'm really bad at golfing. Now minature golf is a different story!

Stacey said...

Not much of a fan of golf... I think that is because I'm not good. I also have never been taught. It is hard with kids. Maybe when they get older... You guys both look really cute!

Joan Peterson said...

I can't believe it - you are turning into your mother - a very active sports person!!! Wow! Running, golfing, what's next? Biking, scuba diving, skiing, roller skating? Brent and Brady have worked magic on my sweet, sit on a pillow kind of girls.
Go for it! Love, Nana

Angela Strong said...

I love that you guys are playing golf together. It is fun to find something you both like to do as a couple. FFFOOOUUURRR!!!!!

missy moo said...

Cute sis... you little golfer you!!! I need to get in gear!!